Best of Breed for BISS GCHCH Malbec at the Missouri Rhineland Kennel Club show at Purina Farms in St Louis, Missouri!
Ms. Malbec Featured on the Cover of Terrier Group
Great day in Missouri!
Sheep Creek QuinTessa at Palm Springs weekend.
Nebraska Kennel Club
Lola made the cover of Terrier Group Magazine!
Lola: Best of Opposite at the National Championship at Orlando Florida.
Beautiful wrap up with GCHB CH LaLaLa Lola and Ania winning Best of Opposite at the National Championship at Orlando Florida. Best of Breed with the Space Coast Kennel Club, Best of Opposite with Brevard Kennel Club, Best of Opposite Sex with Central Florida Kennel Club. A lovely big lineup of Kerrys.
Tuesday GCHB Sheep Creek La La La Lola was awarded Best of Breed
It has been a busy week here in Orlando! On Tuesday GCHB Sheep Creek La La La Lola was awarded Best of Breed under terrier judge Jamie Hubbard at the Space Coast Kennel Club of Palm Bay, Inc. . Lola was skillfully guided around the ring by the talented Ania Romano Kelly and as Lola’s owners we are thrilled to watch this team in the ring at one the nation’s greatest dog show clusters!
Best of Breed today with GCHB CH Sheep Creek La La La Lola at the Space Coast Kennel Club Show Today!
GCH Sheep Creek Mistletoe Kiss “Holly”
GCH Sheep Creek Mistletoe Kiss “Holly” (GCH pending AKC approval) wins Best Opposite Sex every day at the Kerry Blue Terrier Club of Northern California Specialty shows! Thank you to the Judges for recognizing her attributes, Christian Rangel for professional handling and presentation! Also a big Shout Out to the Northern Club for their wonderful hospitality and putting on a great show with beautiful trophies!! Holly is owned and loved by Carol Basler.