MONTGOMERY COUNTY FAIR Guernsey Dairy Goat Show.

WOOO! Sheepcreek from Kidder, Mo. My girls are taking names! Thanks to Stanley Holmes.

For the group classes.
Get of Sire, three does in milk of the same sire. Sheepcreek ViniViva Sheepcreek Jukebox Sheepcreek Doodlebug CH (pending) All Sired by Swind Vincente one of the few Golden Guernsey Bucks in America.
Produce of Dam, two does of the same dam one must be in milk. SunnyKnoll Topaz & SunnyKnoll Jade Dam SunnyKnoll Alice.
and now for the Show
Jr. Grand Champion from Amelia Virginia BadMoon Rizn Maria
First place milking yearling from Lingle Wyoming Greenhope Nenomoshia
First place two year old from Kidder Missouri Sheepcreek Jukebox
First Place three year old from Kidder Missouri Sheepcreek Doodlebug CH pending
First place four year old from Saint Meinrad Indiania Violetvale Apheleia
First Place five year old from Lovettsville Virginia Sunnyknoll Amber
First place six and older from Telford Pennsylvania StumpHollo French Kiss
Our Reserve Grand Champion Sheepcreek Doodlebug CH pending
Our Champion of the day as well as Best of Breed Violetvale Apheleia
Congratulations to all. We had a total of seventeen Guernsey Goats with seven different breeders represented.

Welcome to the world

All of my kids for the year have been born. I present to you this year’s new herd of dairy goats.

Mama does are happy and healthy!

Going for the Gold (Goats)!

Baby Goat

We are so excited to be featured on a recent episode of GoatGab! In this podcast, Jinece Rees, owner of East Sheep Creek talks about the history of her favorite goat breed and what she is doing to establish the American Guernsey as the newest breed in the American Dairy Goat Association.