East Sheep Creek Kerries
I started breeding Kerry Blue Terriers in 2012, when I got my first bitch, Odyssey. She holds a special place in my heart because she gave birth to all of kids that started the East Sheep Creek Line; she is the mother of Azule, Apreca and Yahtzee. She had three litters of pups for me. Oddy was imported from the Czech Republic, and came to live with me when she was 3. We have so many memories together! She was so loving and patient as I learned how to groom Kerries and how to show. Even after her retirement as a breeding bitch and show dog, she went to live with my mother and keep her company until Oddy’s death last year (2020). I miss Oddy dearly, and I am grateful for the amazing life we had together

I am a Breeder:
I carefully choose the dogs I will breed based on health, temperament, conformation and working ability. I put titles on them to prove they are worthy to produce the next generation I will go forward with. I take them to be tested for the diseases and disorders their breed might encounter, as many tests as are available and reasonable to do before I breed them. I pore over magazines, web sites, event results and the OFA listings to find the very best (IMO) mate for them. I oversee the breedings, monitor their pregnancies and personally assist them to bring each and every puppy into this big scary world. I cry over the ones who don’t arrive safely. I can do all of this because I have spent decades learning everything I can about their breed, their bloodlines, their health and the art and science of reproduction and whelping. I spare no expense providing them with the best I can give them in the way of food, environment and veterinary care for the eight weeks they will stay with me. I spend every minute that I can caring for them and socializing them. Cleaning up after them is a full time job, while I also hold down a full time job to be able to afford their expenses. I carefully screen the people who wish to take one of them from my home to live in theirs. I google, research and re-research each person who fills out one of my puppy applications. I require those final lucky people who will become a part of my dog family to sign a three page contract, and promise them my support for the life of their new puppy. I shed happy/sad tears as they drive away. And I shed them again when I see them later in life, and when they pass on.