Going for the Gold (Goats)!

Baby Goat

We are so excited to be featured on a recent episode of GoatGab! In this podcast, Jinece Rees, owner of East Sheep Creek talks about the history of her favorite goat breed and what she is doing to establish the American Guernsey as the newest breed in the American Dairy Goat Association.

Sheep Creek Heads to the KBTCC Specialty!

Sheep Creek and gang packed their bags and headed to Chicago August 23-25 for the Chicago KBT Club’s annual Specialty weekend.  With high hopes and four dogs in tow they excitedly prepped their dogs for the show ring.  And they were not disappointed for their efforts!  At Friday’s Specialty Fynn went Winners Dog and Azule Award of Merit.  What a great start to the weekend!


Saturday morning was the Elgin Kennel Club show wherein Fynn was Winners Dog and Best of Winners!  Azule was stunning in the ring and managed to earn Select Dog!  Saturday afternoon was the KBTCC Concurrent Specialty.  Electra was Winners Bitch earning her first major!  She was beautiful.  Fynn did not disappoint either, earning Winners Dog and Best of Winners, earning his Champion Title!!  Fynn’s co-owner Lindsay put all the points on this boy for his champion title, her first show dog!  Azule made the short list for Breed, but no love for him.


Sunday was the Elgin Kennel Club Show, Sheep Creek’s fourth competitor was Finian (Apreca x Fendi) and he earned Winners Dog!  Very exciting for this beautiful young pup!  Electra was Reserve Winners Bitch!  Fynn and Azule made the shortlist for Breed in the Specials ring, but no love for either of them.  What a great weekend for Sheep Creek!

Gavin Earns His Champion Title

Gavin (Sherlock x Xalah) finished his champion title in style at the Fort Dodge Kennel Club show, winning a major on Sunday against some stiff competition. Congrats to his owners Dr. J Shoemaker and Jinece Rees!

Azule is Back!

After a short break following Kerryfest, Azule heads back to the ring at the Fort Dodge Kennel Club show this past weekend. Azule didn’t skip a beat, earning a Group 3 on Saturday from Judge Robert Miller and coming back on Sunday to earn a Group 2 under Judge Robert Powell. He was beautiful in the ring! This boy knows his job and loves it!

Sheep Creek Welcomes A New Champion!

Sheep Creek’s own Hero (Xavier x Envy) had a very successful weekend last week at the Kansas City Cluster. Going Best of Opposite two days in a row he managed to clinch his champion title. This handsome boy has the sweetest disposition and enjoys hanging with all the girls at home, patiently waiting for his favorite treat popcorn to be thrown his way. We can’t wait to see what the future holds for this boy!

Azule Dominates in Colorado

After Westminster, Azule and Conor headed to the Colorado Kennel Club show in Denver, Colorado. The show did not disappoint, Azule and Conor managed to win three Best of Breeds and two Group 1 wins!! It was a fantastic weekend for this team!